It has been months in the making, but it's finally here!
Introducing Amazon's Kindle Vella.
And with that comes my brand new story, PANACEA. I'm so excited to bring you all something outside my usual genre. I have a passion for stories set in the Old West and decided to create one of my own. This started out as a TV pilot, which placed in several film festivals, but I wanted to bring it to more people. So, here it is!
Kindle Vella is Amazon's episodic platform I've been hinting about for a while now and today, it launched! With 9 episodes currently published, PANACEA is well on its way! I will publish episodes on a weekly basis with number 10 coming this weekend. If you're a fan of Netflix's "Godless" or HBO's "Deadwood," you'll love Panacea.
The first three episodes are FREE. Please check them out on the link above and give them a "thumbs up" if you like them. I'm anxious to see your feedback!